Typically, you need to refresh your home's exterior paint every five to 10 years; the exact time frame will depend on what paint's involved and what the local environment's like too. You can expect interior painting to last a little longer since you don't have to worry about harsh weathering.
In any case, there comes a time when your home could use a fresh coat of paint. And while you could DIY it, it's a task better left in the hands of professional house painters.
Here are the benefits of having these experts do the job.
1. Saves You Time
Chances are, you aren't a professional painter, nor are you experienced in painting large surfaces. It'll take double the time (or more!) to get one layer of paint on compared to a pro, and then you need to wait for the layers to dry before applying more.
Even if you're adept at painting, you still have to take time off work or spend your spare time painting your house. Wouldn't you rather do something else that's more fun?
You know what they say: time is money. When you save time, you save money too.
Plus, professional painters will already have all the necessary tools and equipment to complete the job. You won't have to go out to search for or purchase these things.
3. Professional Finish
House painting isn't as simple as grabbing a paintbrush and applying even strokes; even this is difficult to achieve as an amateur painter. In addition, you need to prepare the surface (including cleaning, repairing, and priming), select the right paint colors, utilize the right paint application techniques, and apply even finishes.
Take a look at any DIY work next to an expert's, and you can immediately tell the difference. And if you can, then anyone who visits can as well.
Reputable professionals will use high-quality paints and finishes that are more durable. They're also more resistant to wear and tear.
Because the painters will have close attention to detail, you can trust that they'll apply multiple coats of paint if necessary, including protective coatings. They'll perform proper sealing as well.
As a result, you won't need frequent touch-ups or repainting. This saves you time and money too!
5. Less Stressful
Planning a paint job and getting all the tools and equipment together is already stressful enough. Add on your everyday responsibilities, and it can be too much.
When you hire pros, you don't have to worry about anything and can continue with your normal everyday tasks. They'll also work quickly and safely to minimize disruptions to your daily life.
6. Have Professional Painters Do the Job
As you can see, there are so many benefits you can get from hiring house painters. Not only will it save you time and money, but it'll also get you quality results.
So think again if you're considering picking up paintbrushes to tackle the task yourself.
Avoid poor DIY house painting mistakes and get an outstanding paint job instead.
For a painting company you can rely on, contact Henry's Painting and Contracting today. We'll give you a free estimate!